
Delicate Tail

Delicate Tail (★Uncommon)

Category: Tail
🌈 This is an ITEM ONLY [limited] trait and cannot be obtained with an Uncommon trait potion, grant, trait purchases, or MYO traits. Can only be applied to a browbird or painted satyr using the specific trait item.


  • Delicate Breakfast - any species!

Trait: A very thin, whisker-like tail made of prehensile feathered fur lined with short whiskers
Size: 1.5x Body height for bipedal species / 2x body length for quad kitbulls. Whiskers along the tail must be short!

NOTE: For the antennae version of this trait see Delicate Antennae

✅ Must have whiskers on at least 50% of the tail
✅ Can have a tufted, feather, or whisker tip
✅ Can stack with these traits if also present: multiple tails, mythic tail length, reflective accents (can coat the entire tail), leaf and flower flora can grow from it, can be coated /affected with elemental traits but not replaced by them

❌ Replaces the tail! The tail must be very thin and look like this specific style.
❌ Tail whiskers are thin and made entirely of fur/hair
❌ Not affected by: normal tail styles (unless multiple tails), tail thorns, razor tail tip, spade tip, tail patches, briarthorn, tail holes, tail wings, scales
❌ Cannot resemble: insect tail, leaves, skeletal tail, thorned tail, or a satyr branched tail.

Delicate Anetnnae by BrowbirdDelicate Anetnnae by Browbird

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